Brazilian Society of Food Science and Technology

The Brazilian Society of Food Science and Technology (bsfst) is a multi-professional, non-profit society headquartered at ITAL - Institute of Food Technology situated in Sau Paulo, Brasil. Its mission is to promote the advancement of research and development in the food area in the country and encourage the professional progress of technicians and researchers in this area. 
One of the first scientific society in the country formed in the year 1967, has an expressive role in the academic, industrial, government and research sectors. Its numerous actions over the years have contributed decisively to the consolidation of academia and the agro-industrial segment in the country. The Society's contribution was essential for the solidified paths of Brazilian agribusiness, as well as for strengthening the professional. The society also made an important technical-scientific contribution to the formulation of legislation and technical standards.
The first creation proposal was in August 1966 , in a document signed in Warsaw , by Brazilian scientists André Tosello and Walter Santos during the 2nd International Congress on Food Science and Technology . On the last day of the event, the organizing committee of the congress, meeting with Brazilian and Latin American researchers, approved the creation of the Latin American Association of Food Science and Technology (ALACTA), whose first president was André Tosello. The SBCTA was officially created on 8 of April of 1967, at the Training Center in Campinas, today Coodenadoria Integral Technical Assistance (CATI) by 71 food professionals who signed the minutes of creation and elected the first board. After the creation of the society, André Tosello was appointed by the then dean of Unicamp , Zeferino Vaz , to implement the Faculty of Food Engineering at Unicamp.
Its membership includes undergraduate and graduate students, university professors, researchers and professionals from different areas, including food engineers, agronomists, chemists, biologists, biochemists, pharmacists, veterinarians, nutritionists, among others. The dissemination and debate of technical-scientific knowledge produced by research institutions, universities, industries and government bodies is another (bsfst) action front. There are several strategies. Since January 1981, the Society has been responsible for the Revista Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos - Food Science and Technology of the bsfst, which is part of the databases of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).